Glascote Meeting Room

 Booking the Glascote Meeting Room is easy, Just follow the steps below:


1. Contact the Diary Manager by telephone, text or email to determine if the date and time you want is available.

2. If the date is available, the booking will be provisionally reserved for you.

3. You will then need to provide the Diary Manager with the following details:

     Your Name

     Your Postal Address

     Your Contact telephone numbers and e-mail address (if you have one)

     Date and start / end time required

     Reason for Hire

     Any Special Requests of Requirements

4. The Booking Form will be prepared and it, along with the Terms and Conditions of Use, will be sent to you by post or e-mail. A deposit is required.

5. On receipt of the Booking Form you will need to send it and the deposit for the hire to the booking secretary (contact details are on the Booking Form). Once  received the booking is complete.

6. You arrange the collection and return of the key with the booking secretary.